Embedded Software Development

We support our clients in developing High fidelity system model development using Simulink or Physical plant modelling using Simscape: We can support with HV Battery Emulation using Simscape:

  • Equivalent cell model development and characterisation.
  • Emulating the electric and thermal properties of complete battery pack based on the desired pack design.
  • Providing simulation for various battery pack cooling strategies
  • Modelling State-of-Charge estimation based on desired approach i.e coulomb counting, active and passive cell balance charging and discharging

We can support Vehicle component modelling (Simulink or Simscape) for BEV, MHEV or PHEV Configurations

  • E-Machine
  • Engine (Gasoline and Petrol)
  • Transmission
  • Clutches

We can support with clients

  • Software Unit Testing (includes onsite team management)
  • Software Integration Test (includes test plan creation, test strategy and failure analysis)
  • Custom Tool (build from scratch or enhance Client’s toolchain)

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Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio
cumque nihil impedit quo minus.

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