VC TechnoSys is an Engineering services company based at the centre of Coventry, specializing in niche technologies in the Automotive industry. VC
TechnoSys has established working relationships with globally renowned OEMs to support their ground breaking and innovative resolutions. Our unique
selling point is to reduce your engineering overhead cost by taking up engineering work to deliver or deploy our low-cost solutions into client sites to
deliver/support complex projects.
We offer specialized engineering solutions and services for Software, Function Development, Supplier Management, Requirements Engineering, System
Testing and Validation requirements.
Our teams become an extension of your team.
We have key insight into your specific needs and expertise to support.
We are there for you every step of the way, identifying root cause and highlighting tailormade solutions.
Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio
cumque nihil impedit quo minus.